Upcoming Events


May 07

Victorian Challenge & Enrichment Games Day Geelong High School 9 & 10

Wednesday 7th May 2025

NOTE: THESE GAMES DAYS ARE FOR VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ONLY. The aim of this program is to challenge high ability students in Years 9 & 10 a fun, challenging, collaborative and competitive mathematics-based games day. A Maths Games Day is an opportunity for students to work in teams of 4; apply and develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in a setting where Maths is regarded as fun and worthwhile; work with like-minded high ability students from a diverse range of schools; participate in mathematical activities and games without the usual classroom pressures; work effectively in teams and develop strategies to work collaboratively to solve problems; enhance their problem-solving skills; get excited about mathematics, whilst being rewarded through prizes and awards. Teams of 4 students can be made up of students across both Year 9 & 10. Each school may register a MAXIMUM of 2 teams (8 students).

May 08

Victorian Challenge & Enrichment Games Day Riverwalk Werribee Yr 5 & 6

Thursday 8th May 2025

NOTE: THESE GAMES DAYS ARE FOR VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ONLY. The aim of this program is to challenge high ability students in Years 5 & 6 a fun, challenging, collaborative and competitive mathematics-based games day. A Maths Games Day is an opportunity for students to work in teams of 4; apply and develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in a setting where Maths is regarded as fun and worthwhile; work with like-minded high ability students from a diverse range of schools; participate in mathematical activities and games without the usual classroom pressures; work effectively in teams and develop strategies to work collaboratively to solve problems; enhance their problem-solving skills; get excited about mathematics, whilst being rewarded through prizes and awards. Teams of 4 students can be made up of students across both Year 5 & 6. Each school may register a MAXIMUM of 2 teams (8 students).

May 21

MAV 2025 AGM

Wednesday 21st May 2025

We welcome members to join us to meet the MAV staff, the Board of Directors, participate in the Annual General Meeting and take a tour of the Hellenic Museum. ALL WELCOME!

Jun 04


Wednesday 4th June 2025

Join us at this year's Melbourne Mathematics Conference that bridges the gap between theoretical insights and practical applications.

Valuing mathematics in society

MAV provides a voice, leadership and professional support for mathematics education.


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Mathematics in Careers

Mathematics in Careers

Mathematics investigations for year 10 to 12 students, developed in collaboration with various Industry partners, to showcase how maths is applied in real industry scenarios to solve problems. The investigations demonstrate the types of thinking and skills that industry require, while applying mathematics that is relevant to the curriculum and real world contexts to bring learning to life.

2022 Primary Mathematics Education Conference

2022 Primary Mathematics Education Conference

Access a variety of 2022 Primary conference keynote recordings and presenter resources.

Town Squared

Town squared game

MAV has partnered with local educational game developers, Playlunch Games, and leading researchers, to develop a game-based platform that targets the antecedents that lead to the occurrence of maths anxiety.


ALL MAV NEWS No News available at this time.


The Common Denominator 1/25

MAV's quarterly Magazine for mathematics educators provides information and articles about the MAV and its activities, and maths education in general.




The Common Denominator

The MAV Annual Report

As COVID impacts continued to affect schools and MAV's ability to deliver its program and services, MAV continued to be creative in finding the best opportunities to add value for maths educators and members.



The MAV Annual Report

Annual Sponsors

Cambridge University Press is an annual sponsor of the Mathematical Association of Victoria
CASIO.EDU is an annual sponsor of the Mathematical Association of Victoria
Texas Instruments is an annual sponsor of the Mathematical Association of Victoria